Answer the five (5) mandatory entries in the Entity Definition section:
- Entity Name: type in the official name of the business or organization you need to report. Entities to report include foreign, domestic, public or private entities, but not federal agencies.
- Type: select a type from the available options. Options include: For-profit Organization, Individual, 501C-3 Non-Profit, Small business, etc.
- Public/Privately held: select either public (for publicly traded) or private (for privately held) from the drop-down list.
- Are you/Family member a founder/Co-Founder of this entity?
- In a few sentences, describe this entity’s area of business focus and specifically your work with this entity. This description is presented in the Relationship section to help you relate this entity to your research projects. Please enter an adequate description of the organization, and of your role with them, to aid both you, and a reviewers’ understanding of the association between the entity and your work. (4000 characters maximum)

There are three (3) additional explanation boxes required to further define the relationship between your students, staff and subordinates, and use of MIT resources related to your work with this entity.
- Explain any involvement of students under your direction at MIT with this entity
- Explain any involvement of staff or subordinates under your direction at MIT with this entity
- Explain any use of MIT resources and/or facilities relating to your work with this entity